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Hawaii Rental Car Options

Hawaii car rental cost for GPS navigation and car seats

Car Rental Info

Car Seats and GPS Options

Car Seat Requirements

  • - Infants under 2 years old: Must be in a rear-facing car seat with a harness.
  • - Children 2-4 years old: Must be in a rear or forward-facing car seat with a harness.
  • - Children 4-10 years old: Must be in a child passenger safety seat or booster seat, unless they are over 4'9" tall or weigh more than 80 pounds.
  • - Children over 4'9" tall or weighing more than 80 pounds: No booster seat is required, but they must wear a lap and shoulder seat belt.

Additional Information
  • - Car Seats & GPS are available at the rental counters.
  • - For costs of Car seats and GPS navagation, see below.
  • - Prices are subject to change, For the latest pricing, contact the agency directly.

Car Seat and GPS Navagation Costs:

  • - Child Safety Seat (20-40 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Infant Seat (2-20 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Booster Seat (40-80 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - GPS Navigation: $16.99/day, $99.99/week

  • - Child Safety Seat (20-40 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Infant Seat (2-20 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Booster Seat (40-80 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - GPS Navigation: $16.99/day, $99.99/week

  • - Child Safety Seat (20-40 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Infant Seat (2-20 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Booster Seat (40-80 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - GPS Navigation: $16.99/day, $99.99/week

  • - Child Safety Seat (20-40 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Infant Seat (2-20 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Booster Seat (40-80 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - GPS Navigation: $16.99/day, $99.99/week

  • - Child Safety Seat (20-40 lbs): $13.99/day, $98/week
  • - Infant Seat (5-20 lbs): $13.99/day, $98/week
  • - Booster Seat (40-80 lbs): $13.99/day, $98/week
  • - GPS Navigation: $14/day, $99.99/week

  • - Child Safety Seat (20-40 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Infant Seat (2-20 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Booster Seat (40-80 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - GPS Navigation: $16.99/day, $99.99/week

  • - Child Safety Seat (20-40 lbs): $13.99/day, $98/week
  • - Infant Seat (5-20 lbs): $13.99/day, $98/week
  • - Booster Seat (40-80 lbs): $13.99/day, $98/week
  • - GPS Navigation: $14/day, $99.99/week

  • - Child Safety Seat (20-40 lbs): $13.99/day, $98/week
  • - Infant Seat (5-20 lbs): $13.99/day, $98/week
  • - Booster Seat (40-80 lbs): $13.99/day, $98/week
  • - GPS Navigation: $14/day, $99.99/week

  • - Child Safety Seat (20-40 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Infant Seat (2-20 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - Booster Seat (40-80 lbs): $14.50/day, $87/week
  • - GPS Navigation: $16.99/day, $99.99/week